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系統識別號: C09703938
計畫名稱: 97年第01期菁英領導(政經學院)班#
報告名稱: 97年第01期菁英領導(政經學院)班
電子全文檔: C09703938_24023.doc
報告日期: 97/10/08
報告書頁數: 7


計畫主辦機關: 行政院衛生署玉里醫院 http://www.ttyl.doh.gov.tw
出國期間: 97/07/06 至 97/07/27
姓名 服務機關 服務單位 職稱 官職等
李新民 行政院衛生署玉里醫院 行政院衛生署玉里醫院 副院長 簡任


The core concept of this 2008 program: Leadership: Developing Public Sector Expertise in an Era of Rapid Global Change – London School of Economic and Politic (LSE) Executive education program for Taiwan Central Personnel Administration (CPA), is trying to establish the capability of Taiwan public service focus on the topic of integration of leadership management and strategy planning under the rapid changing world. Obviously, the global economic and political environments changed day by day. Neither the public sectors of any government, nor private business of any company could get rid of this tremendous influence. This program is initialized by Taiwan CPA and designed by LSE consists of several dimensions that include 1) Leadership management; 2) Contemporary international vision; 3) Personal potential inspiring; 4) Public sector strategy, organizational change, and performance management, 5) Public sector management – topical and comparative discussions, and 6) Negotiating and influencing skills for public sector professionals. From this well organized program, we fellows can get some ideas from the current global information, especially under the climate of globalization. In 2002, Taiwan had signed and joined World Trade Organization (WTO). From then on, Taiwan had to trade with the whole world without any excuse. And the public sectors of our government had the absolutely responsibility to face the coming challenges. However, the integration and reform of each public sector are the most important keys to develop vision setup, leadership management and strategy planning. This program recruited 30 middle-to-high supervisors of different departments of Executive Yuan that charging most important public sector business. After six weeks condense training, all these 30 members can know them each other more precisely not only on their working fields, but also on their own personal style. It is a great opportunity for these government elites to meet together to share their experiences and ideals. This kind of integration can change lots things. We fellows may have much powerful executive enforcement in the future under the help of every public sector in order to really do something for our people and government to adjust any new challenges in the era of rapid global change.


前往地區: 英國;
參訪機關: 英國倫敦政經學院
出國類別: 進修
關鍵詞: 領導管理,公部門管理


主題分類: 行政管理
施政分類: 人力資源管理