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系統識別號: C10002705
計畫名稱: 赴葡萄牙參加研討會#
報告名稱: 改變質與量的策略運用於跨學院合作教學或學習之研究-以台灣為例
電子全文檔: C10002705_34436.doc
報告日期: 100/07/07
報告書頁數: 13


計畫主辦機關: 國立雲林科技大學
出國期間: 100/07/06 至 100/07/14
姓名 服務機關 服務單位 職稱 官職等
巫銘昌 國立雲林科技大學 主任 其他


There are seventy-eight vocational education institutes at higher educational level in this small island, Taiwan. Theses institutes, like those higher educational institutes in any other countries, played a crucial role during the last decades of economical growth. Nowadays, this society comes into both competitive and cooperative era, vocational institutes are encouraged to tightly collaborate and share educational resources for better education quality and efficiency. Therefore, three teaching/learning resource centers for vocational education institutes were established separately in the northern, central, and southern part of Taiwan. The Teaching/Learning Resource Center for Vocational Education Institutes in Central Taiwan was established three years ago (2008) to collaboratively develop and share teaching/learning resources including faculty development, professional curricula, internet websites, and special facilities. The center, as the conductor of its partner schools which is comprised of twenty-two vocational education institutes at higher education level, is supported by the Minister of Education with 100 millions NT (3.5 millions USD) per year. During the period of three years running the integrative projects, marvelous contributions were achieved in the following domains of administrative organization reform, faculty evaluation and professional development, cross-fielded curriculum improvement, cross-instituted project collaboration, and costly facility sharing, and student learning achievement. This paper is written to introduce the background and practice of this Teaching/Learning Resource Center for Vocational Education Institutes in Central Taiwan. The major issues further addressed in this paper include: 1. the social and educational background for this Center to be established, 2. the main missions of this Center assigned, 3. the administrative strategies of this Center employed to integrate 22 participant institutes, 4. the collaborative strategies for the participant institutes to create and share the T/L resources, 5. the achievements of this Center reached in purported domains.


前往地區: 葡萄牙;
參訪機關: 葡萄牙里斯本大學 葡萄牙大學
出國類別: 其他
關鍵詞: 跨學院合作,教學/學習策略


主題分類: 教育文化
施政分類: 教育及體育