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Arthroscopic ACL Reconstruction: Results of 8 to 10 Years Follow-up


系統識別號: C09800783
計畫名稱: 赴日本出席國際學術會議#
報告名稱: Arthroscopic ACL Reconstruction: Results of 8 to 10 Years Follow-up
電子全文檔: C09800783_25159.doc
報告日期: 98/04/07
報告書頁數: 0


計畫主辦機關: 國防部 http://www.mnd.gov.tw
出國期間: 98/04/03 至 98/04/07
姓名 服務機關 服務單位 職稱 官職等
李宏滿 國防部軍醫局 國軍桃園總醫院 上校 薦任


Arthroscopic ACL Reconstruction:Results of 8 to 10 Years Follow-up Between 1998 and 2000, 140 consecutive patients with primary diagnosis of anterior cruciate deficiency underwent arthroscopically assisted anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction using autogenous quadrupled hamstring tendons. The graft fixation used the endobutton on the femoral site and screw and washer on the tibial site. The 5-8 year follow-up (mean 6.7) for clinical instability and laxity included 90 people (65 males, 25 females, mean age 22.7 years, range 18-29). Clinical assessment was performed using the modified Lysholm scoring scale and the International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) rating system. The clinical results for the Lysholm rating system were 91% good to excellent, while for the IKDC rating system they were 85% good to excellent. The results of the Lachman and pivot shift tests between pre-and post-operative were statistically significant (P<0.05). Eighty-two of the 90 knees surveyed achieved full post-operative range of motion while variable loss of flexion was evident in eight patients. Anterior tibial displacement was <3mm in nearly 90% of cases and degeneration was evident in <15% of cases. Isokinetic quadriceps strength and peak torque testing demonstrated no significant postoperative difference (P<0.05) between legs. We conclude that Endobutton devices achieve good clinical outcomes.


前往地區: 日本;
參訪機關: 日本大阪國際會議中心
出國類別: 其他
關鍵詞: Arthroscopy,ACL,hamstring tendon,endobutton


主題分類: 醫療保健