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參加PISA GB 2007會議報告


系統識別號: C09602874
計畫名稱: 赴英國愛丁堡參加PISA GB 2007第二次會議#
報告名稱: 參加PISA GB 2007會議報告
電子全文檔: C09602874_19889.doc
報告日期: 96/11/06
報告書頁數: 3


計畫主辦機關: 行政院國家科學委員會 http://web.nsc.gov.tw
出國期間: 96/10/27 至 96/11/02
姓名 服務機關 服務單位 職稱 官職等
林陳涌 行政院國家科學委員會 科教處 研究員 聘、雇


1.PISA data releasePISA 2006 data is going to public release at 10 am Paris time in 04 December 2007. Some things are going to do before then.03-12 November: Review of draft executive summary.05 November: Pre-print version of Volume 1 (analysis) available on EDG.12 November: Pre-print version of Volume 2 (data table) available on EDG.22 November: First set of printed copies will be shipped by express mail (10 copies per country).4 December: Data release at 10 am Paris time in Canada, Finland, Japan, Mexico.10 December: Remaining copies shipped.台灣的記者招待會時間有兩個方案,與國際同時,即12月4日下午五點,這有點晚但及時給媒體以免媒體自己找到國際資料呈現不完整資訊,或12月5日中午,這是國科會固定記者招待會時間。2.National dissemination strategiesPISA PGB 主席在29日早上早餐時碰到我,要我當天報告台灣的national dissemination strategies. (一起報告的國家有Canada, Sweden, Germany, and Taiwan)。我的報告內容如下。●On national report.We ask our PISA NPM to make a national report on PISA 2006 in Chinese. The national report is mainly based on the international report but it is not a small booklet of international report. We like to address some more issues which our society likes to see. It would contain some comparisons between Taiwan and some other Asian countires, like Japan, Korea, HK and Macau. ●On press conference.We also like to have a press conference immediately after OECD PISA release. In the press conference, we will present not only PISA data but also a research data coming with PISA administration. We will provide a comparison between students of 15 years old and of 16 years old, because we have a curriculum reform between these two groups of students. Our society would like to see the effect of the new curriculum.●On regional exchange and cooperation.We also like to conduct a number of seminars focusing on our scores in reading comprehension. Our students are not bad in science and mathematics, but not so good in reading comprehension. We already know HK is very good at reading comprehension, science and mathematics as well. We have invited some HK colleagues to hold seminars on reading comprehension. The audience will be educators and teachers of high schools. In the workshop, we like to compare the difference of curriculum framework of language between Taiwan and HK.●On database on website.We will also put PISA data together with some other international survey like TIMSS in a website. This website is open to academic community. Researchers are encouraged to conduct research projects using these data.3.PISA Strategic Development Group (SDG)報告PISA原是OECD會員國(稱member country)所發起的國際調查,但近年非OECD國家(稱partner country)陸續加入,產生不少權益分工問題。SDG提出一份報告,但非OECD國家並非滿意,於是再第二天聚會討論,希望能有一些具體的措施能讓非OECD國家擴大參與PISA的規劃、執行與尤其是經費。4.Regional exchange and cooperationPISA 是一個國際調查,但是調查結果常因為必須全球呈現資料,有時很難針對特定地區或國家的情境與需要。會議中了解,北歐國家與西班牙文使用國家都有地區的合作與交換經驗。類似像IEA ICCS已經開始籌畫亞洲模組,PISA的內容包括數學、科學與閱讀,資料更為豐富,結合亞洲國家一起分享經驗應該可以鼓勵。港澳代表也積極希望成立華人的研究圈,此次中國也以上海地區加入PISA 2009施測。中國其實委請香港代為施測 PISA 2006於上海、北京與山東。 5.Meeting on PISA in nations and regions: 13-14 December in Trento, Italy.這個會議可以考慮請花蓮教育大學與台南大學各派一個人去參加,報告台灣的PISA成績。6.2008 PISA meetings7-9 April 25th meeting of the PISA PGB 地點未定29 Sep-3 Oct PISA 2009 NPM 地點未定29-31 Oct or 3-5 Nov 26th meeting of the PISA PGB地點未定7.邀請PISA 秘書長Andreas Schleicher ([email protected]) 來台參加國民素養計畫研討會陽明大學洪裕宏教授將在明年春天舉辦有關國民素養計畫研討會,行前林福來教授已經寫信給Andreas,在會議場再確定。後續聯絡將由洪教授負責。


前往地區: 英國;
參訪機關: 愛丁堡
出國類別: 其他
關鍵詞: PISAtrategic,Development Group


主題分類: 教育
施政分類: 其他