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Vietnam offers glimpse of Taiwanese Past


系統識別號: C09600213
計畫名稱: 赴越南採訪#
報告名稱: Vietnam offers glimpse of Taiwanese Past
電子全文檔: C09600213_17816.doc C09600213_55980.doc
報告日期: 95/11/02
報告書頁數: 1


計畫主辦機關: 行政院新聞局 http://www.gio.gov.tw
出國期間: 95/09/26 至 95/10/05
姓名 服務機關 服務單位 職稱 官職等
周孝萱 行政院新聞局 資料編譯處 三等新聞秘書 薦任


Vietnam, one of Taiwan's closest neighbors, is a country whose rich cultural heritage and abundant natural beauty deserves understanding and appreciation from the outside world. It has been going through a difficult time since the end of the Vietnam War, as well as the country's unification which followed in 1975, and its economic recovery has moved slowly as a result.The only leftovers from the war that now serve as fodder for reminiscences are the tanks, jet fighters and photographs displayed in the Military Museum, located not far from the resting place of "Uncle Ho," as late President Ho Chi Minh is known by some locals. It seems that the shadow of war has been lifted and only the images remain in the minds of those who lived through the war and survived its aftermath.Fortunately, it did not take a long time for the Vietnamese government to realize the benefits of opening up to the outside world. The economy began to take off more than a decade ago, and tourism surged as well, coupled with increased foreign investment from countries like Singapore, Japan and South Korea. Last year, there were 286,324 Taiwanese tourists who visited Vietnam, according to the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism; making Taiwanese the fourth-largest group of foreign visitors after the Chinese, Americans and South Koreans.For most visitors from Taiwan, Vietnam holds some nostalgic value, and is a sweet reminder of Taiwan's own past. Noodle stands with yokes, fruits and vegetables piled in bamboo baskets can be seen on the sidewalks. Friendly smiles and haggling vendors are common sights to those who have gone through what many still think of as Taiwan's "good old days" of the 1970s and 1980s.In Ho Chi Minh City, located in the south of Vietnam, the weather and the lifestyle resemble Taiwan's own south, such as the county of Pingtung. Coconut trees, flowers and ferns are everywhere to be seen."It is just like Taiwan: It is a home away from home," said Wen Shou-ren, a jewelry dealer who moved from Taiwan to Ho Chi Minh City more than eight years ago. He has no plans to move back. "The prices are much lower here, which is why I choose to stay."In the city, the streets usually become packed at 6 a.m. with scooters and people bustling on their way to work--a scene that Taiwanese people played out in many of the ROC's industrial processing zones. As dusk fell every day in the lead up to the mid-autumn festival this year, hundreds of people would rush to the local markets for some last-minute shopping to buy things for friends and family. Like in Taiwan, moon cakes and pomelos were favorite items on the shopping lists for the important family holiday.


前往地區: 越南;
參訪機關: 越南工商會,駐越南台北經濟文化辦事處,大亞電線電纜公司,越南台灣商會
出國類別: 其他
關鍵詞: Vietnam, Taiwan, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, Ha Long Bay


主題分類: 財政經濟
施政分類: 經濟貿易