系統識別號: |
C09403680 |
相關專案: |
無 |
計畫名稱: |
外交部九十三年度中高級人員出國進修# |
報告名稱: |
Taiwan’s Democratization, American Democracy Diplomacy, and China’s Democratic Future |
電子全文檔: |
附件檔: |
報告日期: |
93/12/03 |
報告書頁數: |
33 |
姓名 |
服務機關 |
服務單位 |
職稱 |
官職等 |
蕭勝中 |
外交部 |
秘書處 |
其他 |
This paper tries to analyze Taipei-Beijing-Washington’s triangle relationship from democratic point of view. To solve the cross-strait relations, the movements on both sides need legitimacy, stability, predictability, and rationality. Only democratization can guarantee on both sides of these qualifications. The results of democratization on two sides of Taiwan Straits have been dramatic on four levels. Domestically, Taiwan has remained secure and has prospered. It has also made the transition from an authoritarian form of government to a fully democratic one. Bilaterally, relations of every sort between Taiwan and the United States have flourished. At a trilateral level, the trend would has its way to allow Taipei and Beijing to at least begin a cross-strait dialogue and take the first steps toward building mutual trust under American’s favorable system which applied to its core value of foreign policy. And at a multilateral level, the security and the subsequent stability of Taiwan Strait will ensure regional stability and multilateral prosperity throughout the Asia-Pacific.The best way to further the regional development goals that Taiwan shares with the U.S. would be to view the bilateral relationship more on its own merits, and less through the distorting prism of Beijing's views. Taiwan's promotion of democracy and human right, peace and prosperity at home and throughout Asia clearly and naturally coincides with U.S. goals and values, including collectively promoting China’s democratization. Taiwan has politically and economically developed in America's image and has become an American success story. A stronger and closer U.S.-Taiwan partnership as democratic allies is in American interest and will make important contributions to China’s democratic future, thus a more democratic, peaceful, and prosperous East Asia at the dawn of this new century.This article touches upon the implication of China’s possible democratization for the cross strait relations and to global and American interest. More importantly, it broadly examined six paths that can be taken to help to reach the final goal of China’s democratization before entering into the conclusion that considers the 2008 Olympic game as a timetable for China’s democratization.
前往地區: |
美國; |
參訪機關: |
史丹福大學 |
出國類別: |
進修 |
關鍵詞: |
Foreign Policy, Democracy, Taipei-Washington-Beijing Relationship |
備註: |
主題分類: |
外交及國防 |
施政分類: |
外交僑務及兩岸 |