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A Novel Detection Algorithm for Image Copy Move


系統識別號: C10303064
計畫名稱: 掌靜脈識別系統之影像擷取裝置設計與靜脈特徵擷取之研究#
報告名稱: A Novel Detection Algorithm for Image Copy Move
電子全文檔: C10303064_4.odt C10303064_47744.doc C10303064_53246.pdf C10303064_58251.pdf
報告日期: 103/07/02
報告書頁數: 4


計畫主辦機關: 海軍軍官學校
出國期間: 103/06/29 至 103/07/06
姓名 服務機關 服務單位 職稱 官職等
李仁軍 海軍軍官學校 海軍軍官學校 中校教師 教師


The increasing popularity of digital media and media editing software has led to widespread tampering with multimedia files for malicious purposes; law enforcement and forensics experts therefore require reliable and efficient means of detecting copy-move forgery. The most common form of tampering associated with digital images is copy-move forgery, in which a portion of an image is duplicated and another part of the same image is substituted in a different location. This paper proposes a blind forensics approach for the detection of copy-move forgery. The input image is segmented into overlapping blocks, whereupon a histogram of orientated gradients is applied to each block. Statistical features are extracted and reduced to facilitate the measurement of similarity. Finally, feature vectors are lexicographically sorted, and duplicated image blocks are detected by identifying similar block pairs after post-processing. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is able to detect multiple examples of copy-move forgery and precisely locate the duplicated regions, even when dealing with images distorted by translation, rotation, blurring, adjustment of brightness, and color reduction.


前往地區: 泰國;
參訪機關: The 29th International Technical Conference on Circuit/Systems, Computers and Communications
出國類別: 其他
關鍵詞: Digital Image Forensics; Histogram of Orientated Gradients


主題分類: 科學技術
施政分類: 大學及研究所教育