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2024 East Coast United States Museum Site Visits and the Annual Meeting of AAM


系統識別號: C11300922
計畫名稱: 美國東岸博物館參訪#
報告名稱: 2024 East Coast United States Museum Site Visits and the Annual Meeting of AAM
電子全文檔: C11300922_1.pdf
報告日期: 113/07/19
報告書頁數: 21


計畫主辦機關: 國立自然科學博物館 http://www.nmns.edu.tw
出國期間: 113/05/08 至 113/05/22
姓名 服務機關 服務單位 職稱 官職等
焦傳金 國立自然科學博物館 館長 其他
黃旭 國立自然科學博物館 展示組 副研究員兼組主任 其他
張秀慧 國立自然科學博物館 展示組 研究助理 其他


This report highlights the rationale and outcomes of a spring 2024 visit to the East Coast United States with the dual purposes of fostering strong relationships with peer natural history museums and attending the annual American Alliance of Museums (hereafter AAM) conference. Three museums were chosen for in-depth interviews: the American Museum of Natural History, a large, private, and ticketed museum; the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, a large, public and free museum; and the Fernbank Museum of Natural History, a medium, private and ticketed museum. Additionally, with future capital projects in development, the AAM conference served as a strategic platform for discussion and learning on this year’s theme, “Thriving Museums, Healthy Communities,” examining the relationship and obligations between cultural and scientific institutions and their stakeholders. This is the first post-pandemic US visit by the National Museum of Natural Science.


前往地區: 美國;
參訪機關: Parsons School of Design,American Museum of Natural History,National Museum of Natural History,Fernbank Museum
出國類別: 開會
關鍵詞: science communication,museum,informal science education,public engagement


主題分類: 教育文化
施政分類: 教育及體育