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系統識別號: C10504647
計畫名稱: 當代中國國家社會關係的相互構成:全球化、後極權威權政體、與治理(105N604CE1)#
報告名稱: 2016.11出國報告-沈秀華
電子全文檔: C10504647_1.pdf
報告日期: 105/12/12
報告書頁數: 5


計畫主辦機關: 國立清華大學
出國期間: 105/11/22 至 105/11/29
姓名 服務機關 服務單位 職稱 官職等
沈秀華 國立清華大學 當代中國研究中心 副教授兼副主任 教師


This seminar explores how economic development, migration, and gender shape family relationship. The number of families living apart while together transnationally has risen rapidly in Taiwan since the late 1980s due to the large movement of Taiwanese people to China and somewhere else for business and work. Married Taiwanese women and men who are partially free from and yet partially constrained by the daily tasks and responsibilities related to their spouses and families as well as the social and moral constraints imposed by their marital status by living apart for an extended period of time. The intimate relationships between Taiwanese people and their family have been in a state of interspersion and interpenetration across spatial and temporal contexts. What I have found is that over the course of their long-term separation, there are disjunctures and independencies but also reinforced co-dependency between them materially, emotionally, and morally due to the gendered practices of situational singlehood. It is simultaneously the reinforcement of some established norms and the deinstitutionalization of others that keep transnational Taiwanese businessmen’s marriages and families together. In this seminar, I discuss the concept of “intimacy jet lag” to theorize this disjunctive yet co-dependent nexus of relations among those families.


前往地區: 香港;
參訪機關: 香港中文大學
出國類別: 其他
關鍵詞: 性別


主題分類: 教育
施政分類: 其他