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系統識別號: C10302322
計畫名稱: 利用全天空影像監控預測太陽幅射量亞洲永續能源與環境會議#
報告名稱: 利用全天空影像監控預測太陽幅射量亞洲永續能源與環境會議
電子全文檔: C10302322_47109.pdf
報告日期: 103/07/16
報告書頁數: 3


計畫主辦機關: 國立中央大學
出國期間: 102/06/06 至 102/06/09
姓名 服務機關 服務單位 職稱 官職等
鄭旭詠 國立中央大學 副教授 其他


Solar power is one of the most popular green energy. Recently, a large number of Photovoltaics(PV) are installed worldwide. However, the main challenge of PVs is that the produced electricity is often variable and intermittent. The fluctuation of the supply makes the energy expensive and prevent it form prevalence. Due to the unpredictable nature, the grid operators usually need to adopt a more conservative strategy and reserve enough power. If the reserved power is not used, it is a waste. If the reserved power is not enough, a black-out would happen. Therefore, the ability to make short-term PV production prediction is necessary for grid operators. In this work, we aim at predicting the solar irradiance in order to let the PV operators allocate other energy supplies if necessary. The systems would aim at automatically analyze the relationship of the sun and the clouds. If a cloud is predicted to block the sun, the grid operator could forecast the drop of solar irradiance and appropriate energy allocation can be made.


前往地區: 日本;
參訪機關: Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Environment
出國類別: 其他
關鍵詞: Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Environment,Solar Irradiance Prediction via All-sky Surveillance


主題分類: 科學技術
施政分類: 科技合作