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系統識別號: C10002516
計畫名稱: 100年度行政院衛生署及所屬醫院醫事人員出國進修計畫#
報告名稱: 病態肥胖經胃繞道手術後血糖以及血脂指數風險之改變於不同族裔之差異
電子全文檔: C10002516_34265.pdf
報告日期: 101/10/15
報告書頁數: 22


計畫主辦機關: 行政院衛生署臺南醫院 http://
出國期間: 100/07/18 至 101/07/15
姓名 服務機關 服務單位 職稱 官職等
莊仁賓 行政院衛生署臺南醫院 外科 醫師 其他


ABSTRACT Background Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) has been reported to remit type 2 diabetes and to reduce rates of cardiovascular disease by lipid profile improvement. However, there are no longitudinal data that address lipid profiles in different ethnic groups following bariatric surgery. Method Retrospective chart reviews were conducted for 913 consecutive obese patients undergoing gastric restrictive surgery in Boston Medical Center from 2004 to 2010. For these analyses, we included 825 patients consisting of 166 African Americans, 505 Caucasian Americans and 154 Hispanic Americans with 2 years of follow-up data. Mean levels for lipids and glycemic control were compared with ANOVA and longitudinal mixed linear modeling Results After RYGB, all obese subjects in three racial groups showed improvement in glycemic control and lipid profile over two years follow up. Multivariate analysis further demonstrated that two years after RYGB, African Americans showed significantly less improvement in HbA1C compared with white obese patients and Hispanic Americans (p=.003 and p=.004, respectively). Lipid profiles appeared to be less favorable in whites than in African Americans. When other factors significantly affecting lipid levels were adjusted for in multivariate models, African Americans consistently maintained the lowest TG concentrations and highest HDL of three racial groups while the least favorable levels were observed in Caucasian Americans, even after adjusting for percent of maximal weight loss. For total cholesterol and LDL level, obese Hispanic American patients significantly improved in their first six months after operation. However, Hispanic Americans having a higher level than African Americans (p=.0021) and Caucasians (p=0.3498) at 24 months after surgery. Conclusion These significant differences in glycemic control and lipid profiles after RYGB in this ethnically-diverse group of obese patients suggest that it is critical to consider race/ethnicity in designing appropriate treatment modalities for obese patients undergoing gastric bypass surgery.


前往地區: 美國;
參訪機關: 美國波士頓大學
出國類別: 進修
關鍵詞: Hemoglobin A1C,High Density Lipoprotein,Low Density Lipoprotein,Roux-en Y gastric bypasss,Total cholesterol,Triglyceride


主題分類: 醫療保健
施政分類: 研究發展