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Pressure-Pain Tolerance at Different Hand Locations as Wearing Gloves under Various Finger Skin Temp


系統識別號: C09703527
計畫名稱: 赴日本參加學術研討會#
報告名稱: Pressure-Pain Tolerance at Different Hand Locations as Wearing Gloves under Various Finger Skin Temp
電子全文檔: C09703527_23624.doc
報告日期: 97/12/04
報告書頁數: 4


計畫主辦機關: 國防部 http://www.mnd.gov.tw
出國期間: 97/11/11 至 97/11/16
姓名 服務機關 服務單位 職稱 官職等
石裕川 國防大學 管理學院 教師 教師


This study examines the effects of gender, gloved condition, and the location of hand on the pressure-pain tolerance (PPTo) at different finger skin temperature (FST). The experimental design is a combination of nested-factorial and split-plot. Ten men and ten women were recruited and nested within the gender. The gloved level includes bare hand, wearing one or two layers of latex gloves. The FST levels are 15, 20, and 25℃, and FST is considered as the whole plot. The hand location includes fingers, metacarpal, and palm; four test points are selected from each location and nested within the location. This experiment was performed in a water immersion. The ANOVA result indicates that men PPTo (7.3 kg) are greater than those for women (5 kg). PPTo at 25℃ is the least. Additionally, the more layers of gloves are worn, the greater PPTo are observed. As to the location effect, PPTo on palm and metacarpal is the highest and the least, respectively.


前往地區: 日本;
參訪機關: 北九州市
出國類別: 其他
關鍵詞: Main session,Special lecture,Symposium session


主題分類: 其他
施政分類: 推動科技交流與合作