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系統識別號: C09006686
計畫名稱: 赴加拿大參加由卑詩大學主辦之「第七屆中加高等教育會議」#
報告名稱: 赴加拿大參加由卑詩大學主辦之「第七屆中加高等教育會議」
電子全文檔: C09006686_3298.doc
報告日期: 91/11/19
報告書頁數: 95


計畫主辦機關: 教育部 http://www.edu.tw/
出國期間: 90/10/11 至 90/10/16
姓名 服務機關 服務單位 職稱 官職等
李振清 教育部 文教處 處長 其他


在加拿大英屬哥倫比?大學(又稱「卑詩大學」University of British Columbia)校長Martha C. Piper博士,及該校國際學術交流中心主任史凌瑞(Larry Sproul)的支持下,「第七屆中加高等教育會議」經過一番波折後,終於在2001年十一月十二日在該校順利舉行。我國方面由國立台灣大學陳校長維昭率領代表我國高等教育界的二十二位教授,包括國立政治大學校長鄭瑞城、中正大學校長羅仁權、東海大學校長王亢沛,聯袂在歲末前往楓紅遍地的溫哥華參加闊別了三年的中加高等教育會議。意義非常深遠。會議的規模雖然不很大,但實質的內涵及學術討論的熱烈、踴躍,著實令人難於忘懷。本人自一九九O年起,與加拿大英屬哥倫比?大學建立的深厚關係,也對此次會議的促成,有所幫助。正因如此,加方在重重困難下,無論是會前籌備,或會後資料整編,盡心盡力,實為難得。本報告所附之完整英文論文與附件,即為至佳例證。在台灣方面,國立台灣大學陳維昭校長所率領的團隊,尤其是「中加高等教育國家秘書處」所擔負的任務之落實,也是促成此次會議順利舉辦的重要因素。回顧過去六屆中加高教會議,至少亦可提醒人們了解,知識經濟時代中,我們更需要持續舉辦國際會議。這六屆中加高教會議舉辦的地點及負責學校分別為1991: Kananaskis, Alberta – University of Calgary; 1992: 國立台灣大學; 1994: Victoria, B.C – University of Victoria; 1995: (高雄)國立中山大學; 1997: Ottawa, Ontario – Carleton & Queen’s University; 1998: (新竹)國立交通大學。本報告所蒐集之加方與我國各大學學者發表之的完整資料,當可供日後從事國際學術與教育研究之參考。面對這知識經濟時代的到臨、進入世貿組織(WTO)後的挑戰,以及我國「挑戰2008」的重點任務,但願本項資料可提供參考,協助落實時代的使命。The Canada-Taiwan Higher Education Conference was initiated in April 1991, with support from both the Canadian and ROC (Taiwan) governments and institutions of higher learning. The first conference was held in Kananaskis, Alberta and was hosted by the University of Calgary, with the assistance of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC). Presidents and representatives of all of the Canadian and Taiwanese universities were invited to attend. In 1992, the second conference was hosted by National Taiwan University in Taipei in return. The third to sixth conferences were organized respectively by University of Victoria (1994), National Sun Yat-Sen University (1995), Carleton & Queen’s Universities (1997), and National Chiao Tung University (1998). The 7th Conference (Forum) was held at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. on Friday and Saturday, October 12-13, 2001, after a long waiting from 1998. Thanks to the efforts of President Martha C. Piper, Dr. Larry Sproul and the faculty members of University of British Columbia, the conference was successfully organized at UBC’s Liu Center. And from Taiwan, President Wei-Jao Chen led a delegation of 22 members to join their Canadian counterparts on the UBC campus. In addition to inspiring presentations on six major topics, thought-provoking views were raised and shared throughout the conference. All participants enjoyed the conference so much that they decided to keep the academic conference going in diverse formats so as to serve the mutual interests academically in a global setting.As we march into the era of Knowledge-based Economy, with more challenges envisioned, we have also learned to better appreciate the truth of human capacity building through international educational cooperation such as this forum. My heartfelt appreciation goes to President Martha C. Piper, President Wei-Jao Chen and their colleagues for making this 7th Canada Taiwan Higher Education Conference (Canada-Taiwan Higher Educa5tion Forum) a memorable academic success.


前往地區: 加拿大;
出國類別: 其他
關鍵詞: 李振清,陳東壁,中加高等教育會議,哥倫比亞大學,卑詩大學,陳維昭,鄭瑞城,羅仁權,王亢沛,史凌瑞,Larry Sproul,C. Piper


主題分類: 教育
施政分類: 國際文教