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系統識別號: C09701424
計畫名稱: 參加行政院菁英領導班「政經學院班」國外訓練#
報告名稱: 97年「菁英領導班」之「政經學院班」個人學習心得報告
電子全文檔: C09701424_21812.doc
報告日期: 97/08/26
報告書頁數: 7


計畫主辦機關: 行政院衛生署 http://www.doh.gov.tw
出國期間: 97/07/06 至 97/07/27
姓名 服務機關 服務單位 職稱 官職等
陳美娟 行政院衛生署 國際合作處 科長 薦任


ABSTRACT:This trainee's report reports on the Elite Leadership Training Course, of the Executive Yuan designed by the Central Personnel Administration and instructions entrusted to the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), U.K. Indicative training programme comprises 1.Global trends and experience, and Taiwan competitiveness; 2.Public sector strategy, and performance management; 3.Public sector management; 4. Negotiation and influence skills for public sector professionals.This learning report mainly covers four parts: 1.what the trainee has learned and reflected from domestic and overseas learning training; 2.Analysis and review of the problems of public sector at present; 3.Suggestions to cultivate leaders’ capability and the Elite Leadership Training program in the future; 4.Personal action plan.After six weeks of leadership training, the trainee feels fully enlightened and refreshed in terms of know-how and newly acquired skills, and is grateful for this great training opportunity. The report describes learning inspirations of trainee, and also presents some opinions and suggestions in the problem-solving of the difficulties in the public sectors, as well as the significant influence for trainee in the future.Developing the professional and leadership expertise is very crucial for civil servants in an era of rapid global change. The strengthening of the capacity and competence that could cope with the new challenges presented with each passing day, the ability to promote international competitiveness, and build up the credibility and accountability of government.


前往地區: 英國;
參訪機關: London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), U.K.
出國類別: 進修
關鍵詞: 「菁英領導班」,「政經學院班」


主題分類: 國家發展
施政分類: 公務人員考訓業務